Thursday, October 22, 2015

Almost Framous

This one was a relatively easy 'fix' on our Camper so I wont draw out a long story. The original color of the frame, bumpers and tongue was a lovely rusty brown. YUM. Reminded me of everyone's favorite emoji. We used a power drill sanding wheel bit (home depot) and a circular sander to get most of the rust off. Pulled the Propane tank off and taped the body.


The rear left bumper had been hit (or hit something) and was bent out of shape. My father worked his connections and was able to get this repaired by an old work buddy at no cost! Reshaped and welded as needed in addition to a good sanding from their shop.
Special THANKS to Tolin Design in Emerson NJ.



Screw hardware was replaced for each bumper in the rear and the stabilizing feet were swapped all around since the jack-holes were beginning to warp and we feared it might break in our travels.


The original A-frame tongue jack had a bum wheel and a broken and bent crank handle along with being a huge rust bucket. The jack and A-Frame section was welded on so we cut off the jack and weld beads with a lot of elbow grease and a hack saw. 

The new jack was bought on Amazon and is mounted on the door side (left) of the camper. When hooked up to our tow vehicle (TV), it releases from vertical and swings to a horizontal position for transport.

We anticipate painting the bed support poles (6x) black to match the frame but that's still to come. The black is a nice solid color and should prevent future rust accumulation. In total, I used 3X Cans of Rustoleum Black Spray paint. Nothing special here.

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